Are you still wondering where you might fit as a ministry partner at the Madera Rescue Mission, or how to bring hope and make the MRM your Mission? Here’s just a few ways:
1. Keep in touch by liking us on Facebook, or following us on our web page updates. – (Believe it or not, good old fashion letters still bring a ray of hope to an otherwise dark moment for many, so don’t hesitate to pen a letter of encouragement to those the Lord puts on your heart.)
2. Volunteer. If we’re starting to sound like a broken record, please forgive us but this Mission simply fails without volunteers. Over 200 volunteers a year help bring hope through relational care to hurting men, women and children. You can help byserving a meal to our homeless guests, teaching a class or tutoring one-on-one. In addition, sorting clothing donations at our warehouse has so many benefits for those that can work and talk at the same time. – (Females only please)
- Please understand that there are opportunities to volunteer for both individuals and groups and a volunteer packet can be picked up and dropped off on site, Monday-Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. You can also download the application from this site, fill it out and bring to the administration office at the mission. Click on this link to start the download MRM_Volunteer_Handbook.
- Click links for a pdf flyer to hand out to those in need. MRM voucher front MRM voucher back
3. Donating new or gently used items as indicated earlier as needed. – (A good rule of thumb for donating items - would you give it to a friend?)4. Donate monthly, or just once. Click link for a pdf handout: MRM Emergency Services
- $24.00 a month = 10 hot meals for homeless guests.
- $48.00 a month = 24 meals to give hope to hungry people
- $90.16 a month = 2 weeks of shelter for a homeless guest
- $118.16 a month = 2 weeks of shelter including meals
5. Drive out hunger by donating a vehicle. Donors receive a tax deduction and feel great knowing the proceeds of their car provide meals and other needed items for folks that just need a hand up.
6. You can leave a Legacy of Love. You can provide for your family and support Madera Rescue Mission’s ministry through your will, annuity or trust. – (Go to Ways to Partner with us and give through Planned Giving)
7. Mission Compassion – Did you know it costs roughly $70/day to fund a Madera Rescue Mission Recovery Disciple? This cost increases every year, but provides hope for a person who’s had enough of being homeless, and in many cases, hopeless.
- This program promotes involvement, mentoring and ongoing communication as you build a relationship with someone in need of a friend.
- Whether you fund a person for a day at ($70.00) a week at ($490.00) or a month, ($2,100.00) your gift is earmarked for the Recovery Program needs and is allocated as such.
8. A Night under the Bridge. This program attempts to paint a picture for those better trying to understand God’s heart for broken and outcast people in Madera. Through A Night under the Bridge youth and young adults better realize the lifestyle some have opted for and some have been thrust into and that they are capable of making a difference in their community. All attendees will stay the night on the mission grounds.– (Call for more details)
A Night under the Bridge fosters:
1. Education: Group members participate in activities, teachings and small group discussions.
2. Service: Group members serve homeless people through hands-on involvement at Madera Rescue Mission.
3. Advocacy: Group members raise awareness about homeless people to others through a collection of sponsorship pledges prior to the event from friends and neighbors. –(Call for more details)